Career relate website

If you readed previous post that I writed, you know I´m studying Social Work. Social Work have some journals in Chile, most of them belong to universitys. Many journals are electonic, so you can watch them on internet. The electronic journal that I enjoy visiting is Electronic Journal of Social Work edited for University of Concepción (RETS-UdeC) in

According to the website of the journal, the objetive of Rets-UdeC is disseminate papers of theoretical, experimental and applied character in the field of Social Work, to disseminate advances in the discipline and support the work of professionals, and contribute to the discuss with other disciplines of Sciences Socials.
The design of website is very simple, have only six sections that they are: news, curren numbering, previous numbers, editorial committee, publishing regulations and “write us”. And have some pictures. You can suscribe to the journal –is free- and if you want, traslate the website.  

I visit this website  a few times when I need research to university and occasionally in my free time. The reason why I like this website is because the design is simple (they haven´t  many sections) and is very concise (they haven´t paragraphs and paragraphs of words), so is very easy to found what you are  looking for. 


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