One of my passions

Well, I think I talk about my passions in other posts. So, I write about something different, to do this blogg and the thing what I post, more varied.

One word: Volleyball.
As you know, volleyball it's not a sport of contact as basketball or handball, but is just as intense, and you need exercise all your body too to make it strong and flexible.
Play volleyball means work like a team, so you lose like a team, and you win like it. Your not alone in the court, and you can´t play without yours teamate. You need serve, you need recive, you need set and you need attack - and block the atack of the opponent- and you can´t touch the ball twice in a row. So, to continue the game, your need your teammate.
Although, I still have a lot to learn, I let valleyball teach me that alone you can do so little, but together you can do some much.

And not just volleyball it’s like that, all the sport where need a team are similar, the difference it's which one of them you enjoy more.


  1. I would love to play volleyball but I am very bad for sports


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